There is very good write-up on stratified living in today's NST (pg 6 & 7 Property pull-out) by Ivy Chang. The article talks about the formation of JMB, its power & duties, as well as guide to establish a "House Rules".
But the one that capture my interest is "Maintenance Charges" which partly said that owners are liable for late payment interest not exceeding 10 percent per annum if they delay in paying these charges.
The one thing that I noticed when I first moved into Idaman Sutera is that most of us did not read carefully the S&P Agreement and the Deed of Mutual Covenants. The purchaser's responsibility to pay the maintenance charges is stated in clause 11 in the Deed of Mutual Covenants and further celebrated in sub-clause (3).
And, since we are purchasers of stratified unit, we MUST understand clearly what Clause 13 means. In other words, we must understand the meaning of living in a house where our wall is also our neighbor's wall; our ceiling is our neighbor's floor and our floor is our neighbor's ceiling. If we fail to understand this simple rule, we will never can make our condo living a harmonious one.
Good News Ahead?
Good news for housebuyers
PETALING JAYA: Strata titles for properties like condominiums, apartments
and flats will ...
14 years ago
Hi everbody,
Just wonder how's the resident meeting with the lawyer regarding strata title? I couldn't attend last Saturday meeting as i got something quite important to deal with.
Anyway, my SnP lawyer called me up just now ask me to sign borang cagaran for strata title. Their fee is RM735.
Anyone who attend the meeting pls enlighten me.TQ
Hi Goodspeed,
Don't worry. There will be another session this saturday. Pls look out for the details at the notice board.
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